DEADLINE: 16 March 2021
Please only submit one objection per person 😉
If you would like to note your objections to the planned development, complete the form below. Your objection and details will be sent to Enviropro (Rowan Buhrmann) and a copy cc-ed to the Chasedene & Chasevalley RRA with the below message included:
I, the undersigned resident of Msunduzi Ward 25 (Chase Valley and Chasedene) object to the proposed construction of 273 houses with associated facilities and infrastructure, and the findings of the draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR) prepared for the purpose of seeking retrospective compliance with the National Environmental Management Act (S24G application) – Operation Sukuma Sakhe (OSS) Housing Development Msunduzi Municipality ref no: DC22/S24G/0001/2021.
- I object to the arbitrary destruction of our forest to make way for a large low-income housing project that is neither necessary nor desirable in the planned location.
- No social impact study has been undertaken. The BAR notes, with regard to environmental considerations, that the area has low conservation value. It ignores the visual and recreational value to affected residents.
- The social need for the project has not been demonstrated. People who are living on Spoornet rail reserves ACROSS THE CITY will be uprooted and relocated to comply with a court order, when there are numerous better located housing projects for them ACROSS THE CITY.
- Sewer and stormwater services will have to be constructed beyond the planned development area to join with the bulk outfall sewer and Dorpspruit in the valley below. The BAR simply refers to connecting into those services, without any assessment of the vulnerability of the lower areas Chase Valley Downs to flood events.
- By adding the proposed housing development it would place extra pressure on our already failing infrastructure such as electricity, water and sewage.
- The project has been included in the municipality’s IDP purely to comply with a court order. It has not been subjected to a public participation process as required in terms of Chapter 4 of the Municipal Systems Act.