Please only submit one objection per person 😉
If you would like to note your objections to the planned rates increase, complete the form below. The below message, your objection and details will be sent to the Msunduzi Municipality and a copy cc-ed to yourself and MARRC. Please check your junk mail folder if you can’t find your copy.
It is important to note this is not a petition but is the first step in an actual Participative Democracy process. And here’s the best bit; as each comment is immediately sent as a unique email to the designated municipal representative, comments must, by law, be individually acknowledged and considered by the Municipality. Had this been a petition, they would treat it as a single comment.
To whom it may concern
The Msunduzi local Municipality, through the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), is obligated to review their Register of Tariffs and Charges on an annual basis.
Rates and Tariffs represent the charges levied by the Municipality on owners of properties and consumers for utilising services provided by the Municipality and are raised to fund these services. Tariffs are calculated dependent upon the nature of the service being provided. They may be set in such a manner to recover the total cost of the service being provided or recover a part of those costs or to bring about a surplus that can be utilised to subsidise other non-economical services.
The Municipality have developed a Draft 2021/2022 Register of Tariffs and Charges for Public Comment.
They (Msunduzi Municipality) have proposed a 5.3% increase in all Municipal services for the 2021/2022 financial year.
The residents of the Msunduzi OBJECT to the proposed increases due to the following reasons:
- The proposed increase is not justifiable in terms of the level of service delivery from the Municipality.
- The proposed increase is above the current inflation rate.
- At the proposed increase, many residents and customers will not be able to afford the services of the Municipality, primarily due to the challenging year experienced. The Municipality has not considered the impacts of Covid-19 on its residents and customers.